Connect field and office

MAGNET Field – Connect field and office
MAGNET Field is a powerful and intuitive field application software that enables you to collect survey mapping data and perform construction and road layout using total stations, levels and GNSS receivers. Field software is your easy-to-use user interface to our positioning tools.
Perform topographic and layout operations with a vivid satellite image background giving you full visual context and allowing you to get the full picture of your project at all times. Carry your custom CAD standards to the field with a single screen tap; the software will instantly draw three dimensional linework and symbols.
- Intuitive user interface
- Advanced roading tool set
- Vast library of Import / Export file formats
- Calculate, contour, and compare surfaces
- Surface staking with automatic Digital Terrain Model creation
- Colorized cut and fill indicators, as well as volume calculations
- Direct connectivity to your MAGNET Enterprise solution for easy data exchange and quick chat
- Maps for real-time images behind your points, lines, and imported design files